Orders are shipped via USPS within 5-7 business days of purchase. Tracking information will be sent to you once the order is shipped. We currently only ship within the US, but we are happy to customize a shipping estimate for international shipping.
Please contact us if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase. Refunds will be issued for items returned within 5 days of receipt. All returns that are caused due to an error out our part will result in a 100% refund. Returns for any other reason will result in a refund of item price only minus a 15% restocking fee. If the return is lost or damaged in transit it will not be refunded, so please package them carefully and provide a tracking number upon shipment. Returns are not accepted on custom orders.
If you change your mind about a purchase and would like to cancel your order, please contact me us as soon as possible for a 100% refund. If the item has already been shipped, the item will fall under our return policy and be subject to a 15% restocking fee.
For any other questions please contact us at [email protected], we love to hear from you!